
class probnum.randprocs.markov.integrator.MaternProcess(lengthscale, initarg, num_derivatives=1, wiener_process_dimension=1, initrv=None, diffuse=False, forward_implementation='classic', backward_implementation='classic')

Bases: probnum.randprocs.markov.MarkovProcess

Matern process.

Convenience access to (\(d\) dimensional) Matern(\(\nu\)) processes.

  • lengthscale – Lengthscale of the Matern process.

  • initarg – Initial time point.

  • num_derivatives – Number of modelled derivatives of the integrated process (‘’order’’, ‘’number of integrations’’). Optional. Default is \(\nu=1\).

  • wiener_process_dimension – Dimension of the underlying Wiener process. Optional. Default is \(d=1\). The dimension of the integrated Wiener process itself is \(d(\nu + 1)\).

  • initrv – Law of the integrated Wiener process at the initial time point. Optional. Default is a \(d(\nu + 1)\) dimensional standard-normal distribution.

  • diffuse – Whether to instantiate a diffuse prior. A diffuse prior has large initial variances. Optional. Default is False. If True, and if an initial random variable is not passed, an initial random variable is created, where the initial covariance is of the form \(\kappa I_{d(\nu + 1)}\) with \(\kappa=10^6\). Diffuse priors are used when initial distributions are not known. They are common for filtering-based probabilistic ODE solvers.

  • forward_implementation – Implementation of the forward-propagation in the underlying transitions. Optional. Default is classic. sqrt implementation is more computationally expensive, but also more stable.

  • backward_implementation – Implementation of the backward-conditioning in the underlying transitions. Optional. Default is classic. sqrt implementation is more computationally expensive, but also more stable.


Warning – If initrv is not None and diffuse is True.


>>> matern1 = MaternProcess(lengthscale=1., initarg=0.)
>>> print(matern1)
<MaternProcess with input_dim=1, output_dim=2, dtype=float64>
>>> matern2 = MaternProcess(lengthscale=1.,initarg=0., num_derivatives=2)
>>> print(matern2)
<MaternProcess with input_dim=1, output_dim=3, dtype=float64>
>>> matern3 = MaternProcess(lengthscale=1.,initarg=0., wiener_process_dimension=10)
>>> print(matern3)
<MaternProcess with input_dim=1, output_dim=20, dtype=float64>
>>> matern4 = MaternProcess(lengthscale=1.,initarg=0., num_derivatives=4, wiener_process_dimension=1)
>>> print(matern4)
<MaternProcess with input_dim=1, output_dim=5, dtype=float64>

Attributes Summary


Data type of (elements of) the random process evaluated at an input.


Shape of inputs to the random process.


Shape of the random process evaluated at an input.

Methods Summary


Evaluate the random process at a set of input arguments.

cov(args0[, args1])

Covariance function or kernel.

covmatrix(args0[, args1])

A convenience function for the covariance matrix of two sets of inputs.


Batch of random variables defining the marginal distributions at the inputs.


Mean function.

push_forward(args, base_measure, sample)

Transform samples from a base measure into samples from the random process.

sample(rng[, args, size])

Sample paths from the random process.


Standard deviation function.


Variance function.

Attributes Documentation


Data type of (elements of) the random process evaluated at an input.

Return type



Shape of inputs to the random process.

Return type



Shape of the random process evaluated at an input.

Return type


Methods Documentation


Evaluate the random process at a set of input arguments.


args (Union[floating, ndarray]) – shape=(input_dim,) or (n, input_dim) – Input(s) to evaluate random process at.


shape=(), (output_dim,) or (n, output_dim) – Random process evaluated at the inputs.

Return type


cov(args0, args1=None)

Covariance function or kernel.

Returns the covariance function \(\operatorname{Cov}(f(x_0), f(x_1)) = \mathbb{E}[(f(x_0) - \mathbb{E}[f(x_0)])(f(x_0) - \mathbb{E}[f( x_0)])^\top]\) of the process evaluated at \(x_0\) and \(x_1\). If only args0 is given the covariance among the components of the random process at the inputs defined by args0 is computed.

  • args0 (Union[floating, ndarray]) – shape=(input_dim,) or (n0, input_dim) – First input to the covariance function.

  • args1 (Union[floating, ndarray, None]) – shape=(input_dim,) or (n1, input_dim) – Second input to the covariance function.


shape=(), (output_dim, output_dim), (n0, n1) or (n0, n1, output_dim, output_dim) – Covariance of the process at args0 and args1. If only args0 is given the kernel matrix \(K=k(x_0, x_0)\) is computed.

Return type


covmatrix(args0, args1=None)

A convenience function for the covariance matrix of two sets of inputs.

This is syntactic sugar for proc.cov(x0[:, None, :], x1[None, :, :]). Hence, it computes the matrix of pairwise covariances between two sets of input points.

  • x0 (array-like) – First set of inputs to the covariance function as an array of shape (M, D), where D is either 1 or input_dim.

  • x1 (array-like) – Optional second set of inputs to the covariance function as an array of shape (N, D), where D is either 1 or input_dim. If x1 is not specified, the function behaves as if x1 = x0.


kernmat – The matrix / stack of matrices containing the pairwise evaluations of the covariance function(s) on x0 and x1 as an array of shape (M, N) if shape is () or (S[l - 1], ..., S[1], S[0], M, N), where S is shape if shape is non-empty.

Return type



ValueError – If the shapes of the inputs don’t match the specification.

See also


Evaluate the kernel more flexibly.


See documentation of class Kernel.


Batch of random variables defining the marginal distributions at the inputs.


args (~InputType) – shape=(input_dim,) or (n, input_dim) – Input(s) to evaluate random process at.

Return type



Mean function.

Returns the mean function evaluated at the given input(s).


args (Union[floating, ndarray]) – shape=(input_dim,) or (n, input_dim) – Input(s) where the mean function is evaluated.


shape=(), (output_dim, ) or (n, output_dim) – Mean function of the process evaluated at inputs x.

Return type


push_forward(args, base_measure, sample)

Transform samples from a base measure into samples from the random process.

This function can be used to control sampling from the random process by explicitly passing samples from a base measure evaluated at the input arguments.

  • args (Union[floating, ndarray]) – Input arguments.

  • base_measure (Type[RandomVariable]) – Base measure. Given as a type of random variable.

  • sample (ndarray) – shape=(sample_size, output_dim) – Sample(s) from a base measure evaluated at the input arguments.

Return type


sample(rng, args=None, size=())

Sample paths from the random process.

If no inputs are provided this function returns sample paths which are callables, otherwise random variables corresponding to the input locations are returned.

  • rng (Generator) – Random number generator.

  • args (Optional[~InputType]) – shape=(input_dim,) or (n, input_dim) – Evaluation input(s) of the sample paths of the process. If None, sample paths, i.e. callables are returned.

  • size (Union[Integral, Iterable[Integral]]) – Size of the sample.

Return type

Union[Callable[[~InputType], ~OutputType], ~OutputType]


Standard deviation function.


args (~InputType) – shape=(input_dim,) or (n, input_dim) – Input(s) to the standard deviation function.


shape=(), (output_dim,) or (n, output_dim) – Standard deviation of the process at args.

Return type



Variance function.

Returns the variance function which is the value of the covariance or kernel evaluated elementwise at args for each output dimension separately.


args (~InputType) – shape=(input_dim,) or (n, input_dim) – Input(s) to the variance function.


shape=(), (output_dim,) or (n, output_dim) – Variance of the process at args.

Return type
